InSight is a combinatorial quickie between two players, here called Player One and Player Two.

Initial positionThe initial position: the 'extended' pie-rule
The game is played on a square 7x7 board. Player One makes an initial position, using 4 white and 3 black (red) men, satisfying the condition that no two men occupy a same row or column. The diagram shows one possible position. It is now black's turn.

Player Two next decides whether he will play white or black. If he chooses white, then it's Player One's turn to move, if he chooses black, then it's his turn to move. Turns alternate and moving is compulsory. On his turn a player must place a new man satisfying the following conditions:
  • The man may not be placed orthogonally adjacent to a like colored man.
  • The man must have at least one like colored man horizontally or vertically 'in sight' (meaning: 'having an unobstructed view of').

If a player cannot make a legal move he loses the game.

InSight © MindSports
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