Chapter III - On the words of the signs and lines
III - 1
The judgements speak of the images; the lines speak of the changes.

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The expressions about good fortune or bad fortune are used with reference to being right or wrong according to the conditions of time and place. Those about repentance or regret refer to small faults; when it is said 'there will be no error', or 'no blame', there is reference to repairing an error by what is good.

III - 3
Therefore the distinction of lines as noble or mean is decided by their relative positions; the regulations of small and great are found in the hexagrams, and the discriminations of good and bad fortune appear in the explanations.

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Anxiety against repentance or regret should be felt at the boundary line between good and evil. The stirring up the thought of no blame arises from repentance.

III - 5
Thus of the hexagrams some are small and some are great; and of the explanations some are startling and some are unexciting. Every one of those explanations has reference to the tendencies of the symbols.