Upper Trigram:Ken, Inaction, a Mountain
Lower Trigram:K'un, Passive Principle, Earth
Governing Ruler:Top-most nine

The Image
A mountain resting on the earth: the image of Po. Superiors, in accordance with this, seek to strengthen those below them, to secure the peace and stability of their own position.

Miscellaneous Signs
In Po we see its subject worn away, in Fu recovering from decay.

The Judgement
Po indicates that in the state which it symbolises, it will not be advantageous to make a movement in any direction whatever.

Po denotes overthrowing or being overthrown. We see the weak lines threatening to change the last strong line into a weak one.
That 'it will not be advantageous to make a movement in any direction whatever', appears from the fact that the small men are now growing and increasing. The superior man acts according to the exigency of the time, and stops all forward movement, looking at the significance of the symbolism in the hexagram. He values the processes of decrease and increase, of fulness and decadence, as seen in the movements of the heavenly bodies.

The Lines and commentaries
Bottom six
Showing its subject overthrowing the couch by destroying its legs. Destruction will proceed to include all firm correctness; and there will be evil.
'He overthrows the couch by destroying its legs', thus he begins his work of ruin with what is lowest in the superior man.
Six in the second place
Showing its subject overthrowing the couch by destroying its frame. Destruction will proceed to include all firm correctness; and there will be evil.
'He overthrows the couch by destroying its frame': the superior man has as yet no associates.
Six in the third place
Showing its subject among the overthrowers; but there will be no error.
That 'there will be no error on the part of this one among the overthrowers', arises from the difference between him and the others above and below.
Six in the fourth place
Showing its subject having overthrown the couch, and proceeding to injure the skin of him who lies on it. There will be evil.
'He has overthrown the couch, and proceeds to injure the skin of him who lies on it': calamity is very near at hand!
Six in the fifth place
Showing its subject leading the others like a string of fishes, and obtaining for them the favour that lights on the inmates of the palace. There will be advantage in every way.
'He obtains for them the favour that lights on the inmates of the palace': in the end there will be no grudge against him.
Top-most nine
Showing its subject as a great fruit which has not been eaten. The superior man finds the people, again, as a chariot carrying him. The small men, by their course, overthrow their own dwellings.
'The superior man find himself in a carriage': he is carried along by the people.
'The small men, by their course, overthrow their own dwellings': and never again can they be of use to them.

1. Ch'ien
Creative Principle

2. K'un
Passive Principle

3. Chun
Initial Difficulties

4. Meng
Youthful Inexperience

5. Hsü

6. Sung

7. Shih
The Army

8. Pi
Seeking Unity

9. Hsiao Ch'u
Minor Restraint

10. Lü
Treading carefully

11. T'ai

12. P'i

13. T'ung Jen

14. Ta Yu
Great Possessions

15. Ch'ien

16. Yü

17. Sui

18. Ku
Arresting Decay

19. Lin

20. Kuan

21. Shih Ho
Biting through

22. Pi

23. Po

24. Fu
The Turning Point

25. Wu Wang

26. Ta Ch'u
Restraining Force

27. I

28. Ta Kuo

29. K'an
The Abyss

30. Li
Clinging Brightness

31. Hsieh

32. Heng

33. Tun

34. Ta Chuang
Strength of Greatness

35. Chin

36. Ming I
Sinking Light

37. Chia Jen
The Family

38. K'uei

39. Chien

40. Hsieh

41. Sun

42. I

43. Kuai

44. Kou
Coming on

45. Ts'ui

46. Sheng
Moving upward

47. K'un

48. Ching
The Well

49. Ko

50. Ting
The Cauldron

51. Chen

52. Ken

53. Chien
Gradual Progress

54. Kuei Mei
Marriageable Maiden

55. Feng

56. Lü
The Wanderer

57. Sun
Gentle Penetration

58. Tui

59. Huan

60. Chien

61. Cung Fu
Inner Truth

62. Hsiao Kuo
Small Excess

63. Chi Chi
Completion and After

64. Wei Chi
Before Completion