Knightfall is game for two players, Black and White. It is played on a 7x7 square board or a base-5 hex hex board initially covered with 49 (or 61) 'tiles' as in the diagram. Each player has a 'king' that moves like a knight.
Knightfall is arguably a chess variant, and as such extends the "Atlantis Triplets" (
Caîssa and
Cyclix) to the "Atlantis Quadruplets" or
Aquadruplets for short.
- All play is on the tiles. Though tiles will be removed during play, the tile-complex must remain connected, that is, at the end of a move, each tile or group of tiles must always be orthogonally or diagonally connected to the rest.
- White begins by placing his piece anywhere on the board, then Black does the same. After that players move, and must move, in turn.
- A move has a compulsory and an optional part:
- Compulsory: a player must make a knights move to a tiled square, whether vacant or occupied, with his piece. The tile of the departure square must be removed. If the target square is occupied then the moving player captures the opponent's piece and wins.
- Oprtional: after moving his piece, a player may move a tile to an orthogonally or diagonally adjacent empty square, so long as it doesn't break the connection condition of the tile complex.
Note that there's no "during" the move. It means that the unity of the tile complex may be broken by the removal of the tile of the departure square, if and only if it can be restored by a tile move.
If a player's piece is captured or if he cannot make a legal move, then he loses.
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