Entering a move is simple, but requires a fairly strict format. First and foremost:
- Put the cursor on a cell to get the coordinates and the composition of the piece, if present.
- The applet does not accept shorthand notation such as 'df2'.
You must comply with the required format, in this case 'd2-f2'. - However, the applet is basically a board and, provided the format is correct, will accept illegal moves just as a physical board would. There's an extended 'undo' function that allows you to take back any number of moves, provided the opponent cooperates by taking back his.
- With the command menu you can undo your last move, end a game by accepting a loss or negotiate a draw.
- When entering a stone, simply specify the cell where you want the stone to go, e.g. 'h4'.
- When moving a piece, specify the start- and endcell, seperated by a hyphen (-), e.g. 'd2-h4'.
- If you find yourself blocked or wiped out or otherwise in a lost position, please choose 'Resign' from the command menu to acknowledge and officially end the game.
- The Tinkertown applet is now 'clickable'. When moving a piece, click it first. Next click the cell you want to move it. In a capture, click all cells your piece will visit in sequence, up to and including the endcell. They will be marked and the corresponding move will appear in the "your Move" field.
- To clear, click on the bottom-right button [>>>|] (go to end). Now you can start over.
- The click method only allows to submit if a move is completed. When you're happy with the move, enter your password and click "Submit move" as usual.